
We are the largest institute in the field of Water Management and Water Structures. The number of employees is stable for a long time, with continuous generational change and the constant qualification growth of pedagogical-scientific employees. In terms of the evaluation of qualification skills, we are the second best-evaluated institute at the Faculty of Civil Engineering according to the index of qualification calculated as at 2019 and, from the point of view of scientific expertise according to the index of doctors, we placed third. The position of pedagogical-scientific employees composed of 3 professors, 5 associate professors, 4 assistant professors and 3 scientific members predetermines our pedagogical and scientific ability to educate students in the long term at a high professional level, which is confirmed by a great interest of companies and the state administration in our graduates. We pay great attention to the education of students and self-education, which is manifested in the positive evaluation of the educational process and the educational abilities of pedagogues by students.

The team of employees also comprises a secretary, technicians and workers, who are engaged in the smooth operation of the institute, take care of the functionality of experimental tasks of students and build physical models.

7 doctoral candidates work at our institute. The doctoral candidates are involved in teaching and scientific activity. They achieve above-average results both in their study and in the evaluation of the results of science and research.

List of employees is here.